Posts Tagged ‘workshops’

Free SnaG InaginationGYM Workshop – Wexford

Saturday, March 2nd, 2013

Free workshop next Thrusday. But please ring to reserve place. Adults can accompany children on the workshop.

Leabharlann Chontae Loch Garman, Sráid Uí Mhealláin, Loch Garman

Tel: 053 9196760


Children’s Workshop

Wexford County Library, Mallin Street, Wexford



Thursday 7th March at 4pm

ImaginationGYM® “Aclaíocht don tSamhlaiocht”

The Seachtain na Gaeilge workshop is themed around a story titled An Choill Draiochta. This audio program encourages children to create their own stories by bringing them on a journey into an imaginative world of folklore, nature, animals, music, dreams and wishes. Children will learn to stretch their imagination muscles and have fun taking positive action on creativity with art activity sheets.

The one-hour workshop is designed for groups of children aged 7-12 years,

Booking is essential as places are limited.

Ceardlanna do Pháistí:( Seachtain na Gaeilge)

Leabharlann Chontae Loch Garman, Sráid Uí Mhealláin, Loch Garman

Déardaoin 7ú Martá 4pm

ImaginationGYM® “Aclaíocht don tSamhlaiocht”

Is slí spraíúil agus idirghníomhach é ImaginationGYM®(  chun cabhrú le páistí teacht ar a gcuid cruthaitheacht nádúrtha agus bua ealaíne. Is ar an gcéad chlár fuaime sa tsraith, dar teideal An Choill Draíochta, atá an cheardlann bunaithe.

Spreagann an clár fuaime le páistí a gcuid scéalta féin a chumadh trí iad a mhealladh chuig domhan na samhlaíochta, a bhfuil an béaloideas, an dúlra, ainmhithe, ceol, brionglóidí agus mianta mar chuid de. Foghlaimeoidh na páistí faoin tslí ar féidir leo cur lena gcuid samhlaíochta, agus faoin tslí ar féidir leo spraoi dearfach  a bheith acu go cruthaitheach trí leathanaigh ghníomhaíochta bunaithe ar an ealaín.


Is do ghrúpa páistí, idir 7 agus 12 bhliain d’aois, a dearadh an cheardlann seo, a mhaireann uair a chloig amháin.

Is gá áit a chur in áirithe mar tá spás teoranta ann.


Louth Libraries SNAG Workshops a Huge Success

Tuesday, March 8th, 2011

The ImaginationGYM® workshops which took place in the Dundalk and Drogheda libraries on Thursday the 3rd of March were a huge success and a great time was had by all in attendance. We would like to thank the staff of the libraries  involved and the parents and teachers for their support in helping to arrange and organise the event.

SNAG 2011 Workshops in Ballyroan Library

Friday, March 4th, 2011

ImaginationGYM® are running workshops for children as part of Seachtain na Gaeilge 2011 in Ballyroan Library, Co. Dublin. They have been organised by the South Conty Dublin Libraries board and will take place on Tuesday the 15th of March.

The ImaginationGYM® workshop (as gaeilge) is a fun and interactive way to help children access their natural creativity, and artistic talent. It is themed around the first audio program in the series titled An Choill Draíochta (The Enchanted Forest).

Check out our SNAG webpage or  email for more details.

SNAG 2011 Workshop in Scoil Talbot

Friday, March 4th, 2011

ImaginationGYM® are running workshops for children as part of Seachtain na Gaeilge 2011 in Scoil Talbot, Clondalkin, Co. Dublin. They have been organised by the South Conty Dublin Libraries board and will take place on Tuesday the 15th of March.

The ImaginationGYM® workshop (as gaeilge) is a fun and interactive way to help children access their natural creativity, and artistic talent. It is themed around the first audio program in the series titled An Choill Draíochta (The Enchanted Forest).

Check out our SNAG webpage or  email for more details.