Happiness – Interpersonal

This is our ability to connect with other people, to have empathy for them, to see things from another person’s point of view. This skill is so important in so many adult professions. But it is equally important to be a social success. Socialization is a natural state of the human being. If we are good at it we will be happier. However it is skill a that needs to be developed during a child’s formative years.

The emphasis in the  ImaginationGYM Methodology is to focus on intrapersonal first so that the child can develop a confident and strong sense of self. However interpersonal activities are introduced from early on. For example in ‘The Enchanted Forest’ imagination exercise other characters are introduced into the story and dialogue takes place. Of course it is the participant that builds the story so that they are compelled into an interpersonal interaction. The character becomes more real and substantive the more the participant engages in this interpersonal behavior.

Interpersonal exercises increase through the series of imagination exercises. Likewise the activities are kept intrapersonal at the start to help children connect with their own creativity and to gain confidence in their personal creative output. But as the Methodology progresses, there is more socialization and interaction with peers in creating joint creative output.