ImaginationGYM Practitioners

To become an ImaginationGYM Practitioner you must have completed a basic ImaginationGYM course in your area of expertise e.g. Activities Coordinator for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities. In addition you must have been using the ImaginationGYM method and resources for at least 6 months in your designated organisation e.g. Care Home, Education Facility. Finally you must complete the Practitioner course in your designated area.

The Practitioner course is exam based and certification is provided. Any organisation in which the practitioner is based is then recognised as a Certified ImaginationGYM Centre. This designation moves with the Practitioner if one moves to a different ImaginationGYM Sticker 3establishment. Certified Centres are subject to review visits.

A certificate needs to be update within two calendar years of the year in which the Practitioner course was taken so that they Practitioner can remain up to date with the latest methodology improvements and resources in the designated area of expertise.

Please click here for the upcoming Practitioners Courses