Well-being Development

ImaginationGYM® is a Methodology for the educational and emotional well-being development of children. Emotional Well-being Development is achieved through:

The Methodology focuses on increasing the child’s self-esteem through inclusion and. It is designed to allow for self-paced learning even in busy classrooms, so no child gets left behind.  Read More

Children feel self-empowered when they learn the connection between creativity and action. It not only shows them how they can have control over their own circumstances but also honors their individuality and shows them they have choices.  Read More

Happiness – Intrapersonal
Happiness is a natural state of someone who is connected with themselves, their world and what they do. The very nature of the imagination exercises encourages intrapersonal development. ImaginationGYM® encourages a child to have a sense of themselves. Read More

Happiness – Interpersonal
We are all social animals. In fact socialization is a key factor in being happy. ImaginationGYM® encourages the development of emotional intelligence through the structure of its stories and activities. Emotional Intelligence needs to be taught during a child’s formative years so that they will be adept as adults. Read More

Happiness – Flow
Combining creativity and action in the Methodology provides a platform whereby real ‘Flow’ can take place while carrying out tasks. It is now thought that we are at our happiness when we are fully engaged in an activity. Read More

Emotional Balance
The Methodology is designed to help children become aware of their emotions in a safe supportive environment. Emotional cognizance helps children have a healthy attitude to emotional circumstances and feelings rather than either suppressing them or uncontrollably reacting to them. Read More

In summary the ImaginationGYM® Methodology assists in emotional well-being development by improving a child’s self esteem, increasing their self-empowerment, providing building blocks for happiness and assisting emotional balance.