
There is no right or wrong way for an individual to experience the imagination exercises. So there is no pressure to get it right. In fact it is one of the few activities a child can’t get wrong.  It is also an activity in which they can participate in a group of varying intellectual abilities in which they are an equal. This can have a powerful effect on some children’s self esteem especially if they are always struggling in the group. The stories always promote positive self images throughout the imagination exercises. Over time a child of low self esteem can learn to create positive self images which are reinforced thru repetition.

The exercises allow for self paced development. This can be useful in one to one sessions or small groups. Listening skills or self regulated behavior can be built up over time. There are rules in the Methodology concerning activities that insure integrity of the child’s creative output so that they can begin to build confidence in ideas and self expression.

ImaginationGYM® is a very positive experience for children and will contribute towards their growing self esteem.