Where can it be used?

ImaginationGYM® can be (and has been) used in a multitude of environments. Invariably however, they fall under the following four headings outlined below. Additional information on each of these areas can be found on subsequent pages or by clicking the headings below.


We believe it is important to balance the media that is available in the average family home. Over indulgence of invasive entertainment prevent children from thinking for themselves. Critical childhood faculties such as creativity, imagination and self-identity can be lost.

Research has shown that if you can leave ImaginationGYM® CD’s lying around with the DVDs and console games, children will choose to listen to them, either as an activity with one of the parents or, for older children, at times of stress like exams, family upsets etc. We strongly recommend that parents get involved in listening sessions with their children. Read more…


Educational structures vary from country to country. ImaginationGYM® can be used from 4/ 5 years upwards (the Primary/ Elementary age group) in educational settings.

ImaginationGYM® is designed for children of all ages. Sometimes it can be perceived that it is only designed for children with learning difficulties, where very often changes can be seen very quickly, but this is not true. ImaginationGYM® benefits all children of any educational ability. Read more…


As a rule, we do not analyse or diagnose; we just design and provide tools. However, in the hands of a trained practitioner they can be very useful in the treatment process. ImaginationGYM® is frequently used by counsellors and psychotherapists in hospital and clinical settings. Another major advantage of ImaginationGYM® is that it supports homeostasis between sessions and encourages the client/ patient to take some responsibility for their own healing. Read more…


Community can include childcare, after schools clubs, social services etc. We also wish to encourage the training and development of ImaginationGYM® consultants in the community for the community. ImaginationGYM® can be extended into youth groups such as scouting or summer camps.Read more…