Seachtain na Gaeilge – ImaginationGYM Workshops

February 3rd, 2011

ImaginationGYM® are  running workshops for children during Seachtain na Gaeilge 2011 in schools, libraries and community centres throughout the country.

The ImaginationGYM® workshop is a fun and interactive way to help children access their natural creativity, and artistic talent. It is themed around the first audio program in the series titled An Choill Draíochta (The Enchanted Forest). These one-hour workshops are specially designed for groups of children (large and small) aged 7-12 years.

Should you require further information on scheduling an ImaginationGYM® workshop for Seachtain na Gaeilge in your school, library or community centre, check out our SNAG webpage, contact ImaginationGYM on 01-6753522 or  email

Seachtain na Gaeilge – Ceardlanna ImaginationGYM

February 3rd, 2011

Tá clár nualach ceardlanna á reáchtáil ag ImaginationGYM® i rith Seachtain na Gaeilge 2011. Is slí spraíúil agus idirghníomhach é ceardlann ImaginationGYM® chun cabhrú le páistí teacht ar a gcuid cruthaitheacht nádúrtha agus bua ealaíne. Is ar an gcéad chlár fuaime sa tsraith, dar teideal An Choill Draíochta, atá an téama bunaithe.

Is do ghrúpa páistí, idir 7 agus 12 bhliain d’aois, a dearadh an cheardlann seo, a mhaireann uair a chloig amháin. Is féidir le ceardlanna a athrú de réir riachtanais na bpáistí o thaobh teanga. Is féidir ceardlanna a reáchtáil i leabharlanna,  i scoileanna, in ionaid ealaine nó in aon ionad eile.

Má tá tuilleadh eolais uait faoin tslí ar féidir ceardlanna ImaginationGYM® a réachtáil do Sheachtain na Gaeilge, feach ar, glaoch ar 01 6753522 nó seol ríomhphost chuig

Irish Independent feature on ImaginationGYM

February 3rd, 2011

ImaginationGYM was featured in The Irish Independent on Monday of this week. The article covered one of our free workshops which we held in the Dublin Holistic Centre on South William Street last month. They were a huge success and the feedback we have received on both the workshops and the article has  so been encouraging.

For any of you who missed the article in The Irish Independent on the 31/01/2011, please click on the following link.

A big “Thank You” to all at the Dublin Holistic Centre who helped us on the day and to all the parents and children who braved the elements to attend the various workshops.

Photography Competition deadline extended

January 7th, 2011

The closing date for the ImaginationGYMR Digital Photography Competition  2010 has been extended to Sunday February 20th 2011 to give interested schools time to enter as many schools were closed before Christmas due to the adverse weather conditions.

If you are a parent or teacher, get the children taking images of “My Favourite place” with a short caption to describe why it is their favourite place and send the entry to

Further details are available on our Photography Competition page.